A Heart for Mexico:
Serving Pastors and Families of Foursquare Mexico!

Spreading the Love of Jesus by serving Pastors and their families with Spiritual Retreats and local church outreach. 

Welcome to our Mexico Mission Trips website! 

If you are passionate about serving, you are in the right place!

Here you will find information about our trips, how you can get involved, and application process. 

We believe that healthy families make healthy churches and healthy churches change the world! 

Team Opportunity: July 2025

Our next trip is a unique opportunity to serve the entire country of Mexico: Pastors, their families, and church members with the Mexico Foursquare National Conference. 

Check out additional team details and our team meeting links on our trip page, below!

What Can I Do?

From experienced to brand new participants of all ages, there is a unique place for you to serve on our teams! As the hands and feet of our Father, you will most likely serve in many areas.

A typical day includes a short team meeting, breakfast, a morning session, lunch, afternoon activities (games, spa, family activities), dinner, an evening session, and short team meeting afterwards. 

Each trip is unique, but typical areas of service include prayer, hospitality, spa, next gen, women's and men's ministry, translators, and media/photography. 

To find out more about specific areas of ministry from past trips, click on the link below.

Important Information and Application Links

Find out more about our upcoming team trip to Mexico City including virtual team meeting dates, team costs, and travel/flight information.

For those wishing to join us, we have an online application form and process. Click the link above for more information and required documents. 

For travel and flight information, recommended general packing list, packing tips, and helpful travel apps check out this page.

Support Us!

Most importantly we need your prayers! Here are some of the requests:

-Favor & unity in Foursquare Mexico among the Pastors & Leaders.

-A stirring in the Pastors & families to attend, and willingness to push through any obstacles that present themselves.

-That God would penetrate, refresh, renew, and re-fire the pastors, and encourage and bless and release their families!

 -For Kingdom increase as a result - people saved, discipled, Churches planted, leaders raised up!

-Anointing & a word from the Lord for the ministry while we are there.

-A clear word for all those who are to go!

-Blessing & provision for each person.

-Finances for team costs.

Connect with Us!

For more information, please reach out to us! 

Admin Team Email: heartformx@gmail.com.